Homeless Is Not My Choice has coordinated 12 projects, serving 2635 meals between 6 locations in the past 11 Years 5 Days

Men's Gospel Rescue Mission

9 Volunteers — Nov 22, 2014

We prepared and served the evening meal to approximately 200 individuals. Some men were completely homeless, coming in off the streets, while others had been living in the shelter on different levels of the shelter's programs. Homeless Is Not My Choice volunteers saw the meal through to the end, and cleaned up afterwards so the shelter could be up and serving meals again the next day.

Church on the Street

6 Volunteers — Nov 02, 2014

Homeless Is Not My Choice volunteers prepared and served the evening meal, participated in the Bible study before dinner and sang songs to the residents and men off the streets.

Church on the Street

8 Volunteers — May 24, 2014

Our 8 Homeless Is Not My Choice volunteers on this trip prepared and served dinner for 20 residents and 40 men who came in off the streets to find a hot meal.

Homeless Veterans StandDown

8 Volunteers — Feb 14, 2014

Homeless Is Not My Choice volunteers assisted with providing up to 200 homeless veterans with a weekend of shelter, meals, and haircuts. We organized and helped to hand out clothing and toiletries, working with others in the Arizona StandDown alliance.